The Lost Stars Soft Cover   Close Window
Age:  4-8 Years
Author:  Hannah Cumming
Illustrator:  Hannah Cumming
Code:  h416
Pages:  32 Pages 268 x 245mm
ISBN / Part No.:  978-1-84643-416-7

Everyone has become so focused on bright lights and new technology that they have forgotten about the stars. Fed up with not being appreciated, the stars decide to leave their posts and go on holiday. But what will happen when the lights go out? A charming picture book, from an emerging new talent, warning us to appreciate the natural beauty of the world, before it is lost.

Self-efficacy: The children in the book recognise that they have the power to find the stars and bring them back.

Persistence: The heroes travel through extreme conditions to search for the stars.

Empathy: It’s made clear that the stars did not feel appreciated; readers learn that they must not take people (or the environment) for granted. People should always try to make others feel valued.

Conflict resolution and Communication skills: The conflict in the book is resolved when the children apologise to the stars and promise them that humans will not make the same mistake again. This promotes healthy friendships, as the children understand that they have hurt the stars’ feelings and make amends.

The book can inspire many discussions about how the characters feel and why, which increases emotional literacy.

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